The Gospel for Arvada, for Colorado, and for the Nations

At Storyline Church…

We have one sound – the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Since Storyline Church was planted more than nine years ago, we have had the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with thousands of people – baptizing more than 450 people, welcoming kids, students, and adults into thriving discipleship environments, and sending dozens to new church plants here in Colorado and throughout the world. 

Now, we want to continue to share that gospel with as many people as God might allow, both here in Arvada, throughout Colorado, and to the nations. 

For this season, that means expanding both our facility here in Arvada and planting new congregations in neighboring communities. To do that, we will need to partner together in prayer, in sharing resources, and in going with the gospel.

We want to continue to share the gospel with as many people as God might allow.

Partner With Us

Building beyond ourselves.

In a culture that is insistent on tearing down, we want to build something that lasts – and can think of no better thing to build up than the church of Jesus Christ. By solidifying our footprint here in Arvada, we hope to secure our gospel presence here for today and for decades to come. 

Expanding our impact.

The good news of the gospel is our hope, so we want every lost person in Arvada to have the chance to hear it. And, we want to build up our church in the gospel as we gather each week to sing, preach, and pray, reminding each other of who God is and what He has done.

Investing in the next generation.

The Bible is for everyone – every age, every life stage, every background – and it changes lives. We want to help every child, student, and adult know God’s Word and take their next step of discipleship.

Planting in new places.

Since the church is a family, we want to plant and grow new congregations throughout Colorado and the nations.


+700 SEATS

We would be able to expand our worship center by 700 seats to bring it to a total of 1,600.


Additional classroom space would allow us to disciple 500 more kids each Sunday.


We would be able to increase our adult discipleship space to seat 450 adults.


Additional office space would give us the ability to properly make room for 40 staff members.

Storyline Colorado

We hope to see the one sound of the gospel spread across the Front Range by planting multiple congregations in the next three years with locations such as Westminster, Littleton, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Broomfield, Boulder, and East Arvada. Our congregations will initially launch as part of the Storyline family, with the intention of becoming autonomous local churches over time.

How can you partner in this ONE SOUND initiative?

  • PRAY

    Pray that the Lord would amplify our ONE SOUND – the gospel of Jesus Christ - in Arvada, throughout Colorado, and to the Nations.

  • GIVE

    Consider making a one-time gift to our One Sound initiative, and then pledging to give monthly over the next three years to partner in expanding our facility and planting new gospel-centered congregations.

  • GO

    Take the good news of the gospel wherever you go – to your neighborhood, school, workplace, and even with one of our new congregations as they are planted in the coming years.


We hope that everyone in our Storyline family will consider giving above and beyond their regular giving by making a one-time “First Fruits” gift and then a three-year pledge to our ONE SOUND initiative.


  • The primary purposes of the resource initiative are to fund the building renovations as well as congregation planting initiatives through Storyline Colorado. 

  • The land is currently under contract to sell for $1.9M, scheduled to close in December! We are so thankful for the way the Lord is providing for us!

  • We currently have $6.7M left in debt from the purchase and renovation of the existing building.  Our goal is to keep Storyline’s debt service at less than 20% of our overall budget. This renovation plan and project should keep us well under this threshold. 

  • Storyline Colorado is a critical part of this initiative. We are as committed as ever to seeing healthy congregations planted in the Denver Metro and along the Front Range. While we aren’t bound to a specific timeline, we hope to see new congregations planted as early as fall 2024.  

  • We will start and move forward whatever parts of the project we can, depending on the amount of funds raised and pledged. But, we won’t be able to complete the project until we have the complete amount pledged.